Listen to Lead Pastor Marcus Allen share the philosophy of preaching and what you can expect to hear from the pulpit. Find our FFBC Sermon Podcast at

I have to use a technical term here.

We preach exegetical sermons at Faith Family. And that sounds like a big four dollar word, but here's all it means: It really means we allow the [biblical] text to speak for itself. 

So when I'm preaching then, I'm not giving my opinion. I'm not trying to preach what someone thinks about this truth. But we're going to the Word of God and we are allowing the Word of God to tell us what it means, interpreting it by other scripture. And then just proclaiming and applying that. And so that means that most of the time we are walking a book verse-by-verse, line-by-line. However, even on times when we're preaching on a topic or another of our pastors is preaching on a topic, for instance, - love or grace - we are still going to go to the text and we're going to allow the text to speak to us about love or about grace so that we're not giving our opinion about love, but we're allowing God to tell us what he has already declared as the truth about love or grace. 

And so I think that is the most beneficial, especially as we apply [Gods Word] to our lives. Number one, because it's God's Word and it is God's truth. And number two, because I think that it teaches people who are listening that the answer is found in the Word of God, not in the mind of man. So that they leave the service thinking "Listen, that was in the scripture. I can myself, go to the Scripture and see what God is saying and I can apply it to my life as well". 

So exegesis - allowing the text to speak for itself - whether that be line-by-line through a book or whether that be topical, is what you will find at Faith Family.